Social media marketer



Copy writer

I’m a social media marketing expert skilled in the end-to-end development and execution of content that keeps your brand top of mind for your target audience. I help my clients achieve their marketing goals by guiding their creative content strategy, improving their copy writing and creating unique creatives through animation & video editing.

Altomaxx Case Study

Impressions: 5,461 Engagements: 117

“Bathymetric surveys are essential for infrastructure projects near water. However, getting accurate data can be tough and expensive. That’s where drone bathymetry comes in. Drones can cover hard-to-reach areas, providing precise underwater mapping where traditional vessels can’t. All in a cost effective, safe, and extremely quick manner. With high-resolution bathymetric data you can avoid costly delays, meet regulations, and boost efficiency. Want a free consultation with industry leader Altomaxx’s certified in-house drone experts? DM me for more information.”

Total Impressions

Impressions: 10,910 Engagements: 157

“Working on an infrastructure project crossing a water body but lacking accurate bathymetric data? Drone-based bathymetry provides high-resolution data, capturing detailed underwater topography. This accuracy and resolution supports precise project planning, design, and construction execution. Like this post if you believe drone-based bathymetry could be a useful tool for your projects!”

Impressions: 5,136 Engagements: 98

“Bathymetric data isn’t always accurate. Despite this, bathymetry grows increasingly important in ensuring compliance during Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs). This can lead to major project setbacks and cost $1,000,000’s. An incredibly costly mistake. So how can you be absolutely certain you comply with environmental regulations? With cost-effective high-precision drones. EIAs are crucial for large-scale projects, especially those near or in water bodies. Traditional bathymetry methods took weeks, were costly, and added risk with manual labor. The use of drones solves these issues and excels in all categories, offering high-resolution data within days that supports accurate and thorough EIAs. All in a much more cost effective, safe, and extremely quick manner. Need bathymetric data for your environmental impact assessment? DM me for a free consultation with Altomaxx.”

New Follower Growth

Altomaxx hired me as a content marketer to strengthen their outbound sales channel, which was virtually non-existent when I joined. The company had previously worked with business development partners who struggled to adhere to brand messaging, lacked a full understanding of the services offered, or represented the company unfavourably. Additionally, while they had created high-quality, long-form content for tradeshows and shared it on Youtube, their target audience - project managers without engineering backgrounds - found the content difficult to understand.

My objective was to explore a new marketing avenue, LinkedIn, by repurposing their long-form content into concise, digestible clips paired with clear copy that highlighted the benefits of their services to project managers.

By collaborating with the client to develop and implement this strategy, we refined their content and creative approach, significantly increased content exposure, and established a consistent flow of warm leads, leading to a notable increase in conversions through their sales funnel totally $1.9MM.